
Of the constant

e) for pile supports, the fence from the influence of the abysses is arranged in two ways: 1) the piles are clogged not from the surface of the earth, but from the bottom of the pit, dug to the lower boundary of the layer l, and then within the layer A are wrapped freely without crust or birch nails, poured with sand or gravel; 2) a temporary pile is clogged at the site of the constant future pile, the diameter of which is 10 cm more than the diameter of the constant pile; After extracting a temporary pile, the cylindrical hole formed in the ground is filled with dry large sand, after which the already constant, conical pile of a comal down, is clogged into it. It is recommended to make temporary pile from iron or steel pipes with a steel shoe and a head and only in extreme cases to use a conical wooden pile with a pinch of its vertex downward.

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