
Lifting lumber to the height: what you need to know

To increase strength, especially with high towers (up to 30 m), corner racks (gutters) are arranged from two rows of boards. The lifting of lumber in the construction of the tower is carried out using ropes thrown through blocks strengthened on the corresponding belts. Dumped towers are also sheathed with a warm, with a device in certain places of windows and doors. On the sides of the towers, sheds -fluids are located, the device of which boils down to the installation of pillars, buried in the ground by 0.7 — 1.0 m; The upper ends of the pillars are deployed to the spikes on which the nozzles (strapping) are put on, connecting individual pillars. Two or three pairs of plank rafters are strengthened on the strapping. High -quality glazing of balconies quickly. The walls of the sheds are sheathed with a warm. When raising the towers, you need to pay attention to the strength of the fusing of logs, upper and lower nozzles, to the strength of blocks, ropes, winch, etc. p. The tower should be well verified before the starting of it starts with its belts and crosses so that there is no overhabitation of the racks. Palati should be free enough for installing the bar, placing tools and workers. In order to avoid the fall of the workers of Polati, fences must have. The tower should be built with sufficient natural light, so the windows in the casing must be installed in the places where the movements and movement of the tools occur — the tower door should be sufficient height and width, which ensures convenient hug of drilling supplies. In order to conveniently ramping, as well as for the convenience of casing pipes in the center of the tower, a 2x2x2 m -sizes are dug up. The walls of the pit are fixed with a wooden log house or boards with spacers. At the bottom of the shurf, the bars are laid for installing jacks and trowel screws. The site under the base of the tower should be leveled, and a dense waterproof wooden floor is laid on the entire base; A hatch is arranged over the pink in the floor. Equipment of towers with balancers.

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