
What are domestic construction

The experience of the best domestic construction projects clearly shows that in order to comply with the technology for the production of work, improve their quality and reduce the construction time of facilities, uniform supply of technological and special equipment is necessary throughout the construction cycle, and not only in the final period. At the same time, it is important that the components of the organization communicate the timing of the supply of equipment, structures, machines and products not in the first quarter of the planned year and not indicating the supply quarter, but in September of October the preferential period when forming a contract of contract work and indicating the month of supply of certain resources. Due to the non-compliance of this requirement in the practice of construction, there are numerous examples when the facilities put into operation are not provided with the necessary equipment and materials and their commissioning is transferred for the next period. So, in the tenth five-year plan due to the untimely and incomplete supply of equipment, approximately every second starting object was not put into force in the established time limits. In our opinion, one should eliminate the negative impact on the quality of planning of another factor. According to the existing position, the remaining underput of the annual capital construction plan is included in the next year’s plan with a decrease in the latter to the planned volume that was not fulfilled in the previous year. As a result, sectoral and territorial governing bodies are forced to accept at the end of the year of low -quality objects with shortfalls and even unfinished work (watching an article at number 7), since if the construction limits are not compensated for the construction plan, it is not reimbursed. For example, if for some region for housing construction it is planned to annual introduction of a total living area of ​​100 thousand. m2 and this plan is not completed by 20 thousand. m2, then the plan of next year remain 100 thousand. m2, but failure is not added. Therefore, 20 thousand are lost in this region. M2 of the total living space. At the same time, it should be noted that the problem of the content and number of indicators of capital construction plans characterizing its quality has not yet been completely solved. The indicators of plans now approved not fully reflect the requirements for the quality of the construction cycle and all types of its products. Basically, in capital construction, plans indicators still orient the participants in the creation of construction products on the quantitative growth of the volume of work, often to the detriment of the quality.

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