Such ceilings were used in the building of the furniture store in Moscow and in the standard project of the department store for 300 conditional jobs. The department store has four floors, and only the first two are used for trade. Extensive trading floors have good proportions in the plan (66×44 m). The Typical project of the department store was first used for construction in Minsk, and later — in Novosibirsk and other major cities of the country. As you know, the needs of the population are constantly growing and developing, and forms and methods of service are constantly being improved. Obviously, the architectural and constructive solutions of trading buildings should meet the new consumer requirements and new service methods. Currently, the current standard projects of stores and department stores provide for significant space of warehouse premises, so that the area of trading halls is only 43-46% of the useful area of the building, and in some cases, the retail space does not reach 40% of the useful area. In the future, as the system of citywide basic warehouses is improved, the need to store significant inventories will disappear in stores. Buildings of trading enterprises should have a flexible layout, which will allow the shortest time with minimal expenditure, funds and materials to redevelop the premises, bringing it into line with new forms and methods of maintenance. From the point of view of the possibility of developing some enterprises at the expense of others, the buildings of cooperated enterprises and shopping centers are especially promising. Unfortunately, at present, we have an insufficient number of standard projects for the construction of such buildings, and, as a rule, these projects do not provide for the possibility of fast, requiring minimum costs of strength and materials, transformation.
What floors are made in trading halls