
Toning, for and against.

I invented! Too shyness can travel in a burden! Check out how conveniently came out and no one sees you anyway. On the topic of security. You know the psychology of a person badly! Когда стекла не тонированы, то оставленные вещи хорошо видны, то, что их стырят — это проблема хозяина, ибо нефиг оставлять. And here you toned the car and safely believed that nothing was visible and you can leave things. Now about psychology. Criminals, knowing this moment, are just interested in such machines. The excuse that tinted glass is worse for a very child’s one — of all the opened cars, what is the percentage of opening glass? True 0 whole is the hell of ten thousandth! Do not be naive, no one will even think to beat the glass during the day — it’s like taking off my panties and think that no one saw. And here are 2 characteristic cases. I’m driving a bus near our television center, at the stop there is 10 aquarium full, even the backbone is not tinted. I look, packs of 1000 bills are laid in the back seat, take the whole seat with these packs, and the thickness of the unschy. Pack 100,000 p. I think several tens of millions were there. No one is in the car! However, I think, if anyone encroaches on it, then they will bury it in place. And the second. The person came out. On the way to his 9-butt, I met a friend, talked standing at the very car itself. The whole car is tinted 5. Then a friend says if it does not seem to you that someone is sitting in the car? Opened the door — for sure, the dude is already taking off the radio. Toning also helps criminals — they are simply not so noticeable.

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